Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Class take away 3

Today I have a chance to make a new friend in our Seeing Sideways class, his name is Devon.
Devon is going to graduate in this fall, his major is Media Arts and Science. The field that he's going for is audio and video. He also have an internship in Arizona in the summer, and have to take 2 classes online during summer.
We spent around 20 to 30 minutes to introduce about ourselves and getting to know each other. Our path is different from the other, he's an audio editor, when I'm a gamer. So we didn't have much things in common.
We talked for 20 minutes long, then our teacher wanted us to trade a page from our color book to the other. The rule to pick a favorite page and give it to the other. My page was about a monkey sitting on 5 books, and also holding a book on his hand. I pick this one, because I think it representative for smart. Usually people will scale our smartness with how high our IQ was, but for me I think the more knowledge you have, the smart you going to be. The monkey sitting on the books, meaning it really smart.
Devon also gave me a page from his coloring book. His page is about a treasure chest, and it go along with a question. "What is in the treasure chest?" which there is nothing in the treasure. He explains to me that I can either draw something or put something in there.

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