Monday, May 4, 2015

"Altared" Book of the Self

I didn't do anything for the cover, all I did is putting the stickers on it. It turned out nice with just stickers.

This is the shell of my egg, it also was the first assignment that we did. 

So this book had over 400 pages, I have to ripped them out a lot. I just left those topics that was good. And this one is a really good one.

This my doodling assignment, I drew the picture from my doodling assignment. 

As you can tell the topic is really fun and make us want to read it. That's the point why I keep this chapter.
The 50 questions from "What If" these 2 are my favorite from those 50.

The Fear assignment, anxiety is one of those 4 fears we have for this assignment. I fear of height, so I drew a big tree there and people look so small, to tell how fear I'm with the height.

One of my favorite chapter.

This is the last page of the book.

This is the back of the book.


The whole class, and Jacob planning to give you something. This is my that I want you to have. I learned a lot in this class, it remind me of our first assignment that I did. You gave each of us an egg, and tell us to do whatever we want with it. 
I pain this egg with color, then spinning around I saw something different. Another side, it was just 1 or 2 color, but if I spin around I will see different color. It mean that I have to look things at another side. It reminding whenever I get stuck, I have to look at it from different angle. That's also the point of this class I think. So it mean a lot for me. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Class take away 14

For this week class take away, it was same with last week. We were giving out our presentation about the fear assignment, for those who didn't do it last week.  Beside that we also, talk more and deep about the fear assignment and our Altared Book that due next week.
We were also talk about a gift and planning to make a surprise for Beth, everyone will bring a small thing that related to the Altared Book, and give it to her. I already have an idea in mind and I think it will be a great gift she ever get.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Class take away 13

In class we were sharing about our fear assignment, most of the fear is coming from time, and afraid to lose someone or something we love. But there were some fears that base on things. My fear was the height, but it's just a small to compare with the fear of losing the people I love.
I always say family is more important than everything in this world for me. I'm a gamer, game's everything for me. They are so important that I have to play them everyday, and plus I'm also a game designer, playing games just more ways for me to grab up the ideas and things I can improve in the future. Since I'm planning to make my own game. Back to the topic, games are important, but I willing to drop it anything time, if there's a needs from my family. I love games, but I love my family more.

Monday, April 20, 2015


I have to tell what I did for this assignment, because It hard and complicated to understand If I didn't say anything about it, when jump right on the result. 
I look up for the assignment, and I follow the steps. I spent 3 hours playing a game, it called Diablo 3 make by Blizzard company. 
There are 2 modes in the game that you can play, either Soft-core or Hard-core. 
Soft-core is when you can die over and over again without losing anything, when I mean anything. I mean about the time you spend on the game, the items that found, the stuff that went through the game to earn. 
Hard-core is completely different from Soft-core, you can't die in Hard-core, if you die in Hard-core you will lose everything you had in the game, and you have to start over again if you want to continue playing the game.
I looked up the steps, I followed it I spent 3 hours on playing it today, I already spent around 20 hours on it already, but for the assignment, it says that do something that make me happy. And playing this game does make me happy.
During the playing time, the experience was great, I have to be careful not to die, and I think that's the fear of not dying in the game, because If I die I will lose everything which I don't want to. Nothing happens until the last 2 minutes. I did die, to group of monsters in the game, the reason that I died, because I was so greedy, chasing a monster that usually will drop golds. And my greediness killed me. 
When I died, I was staring at the screen for 15 minutes along. And blaming myself why am I being so greedy, If not for chasing that monster, I wouldn't die. Later that day, I started over again, with another different class (Warrior, Bowman, Monk, Hunter something like that) then I start asking questions.
What if I didn't die? 
What if I wasn't greedy? 
What if I can have a second chance, what will I do?

Fear Factor

1. Is the fear you identified for this project a fear, phobia, anxiety, or worry?

- I think mine is a fear, it contain the other 3 in there too.

2. In what ways to do notice fear in your life?

- When I was a kid, I did claim up to a tree that was really high, I don't remember how I got up there, but I did somehow, and I fell from it, broke my arms, and after that I fear of height. 

3. What does fear keep you from experiencing?

- A lot actually, whenever I stay up too height and look out, my hands and foots will get wets, scaring that I will fall down like I did when I was a kid.

4. What is the use of fear in your life?

- I think the only use of this fear, is stopping me to go up with a tall building, it might seem bad, but if that building is on fire, it hard to run down from the top of it. At least I won't get in that situation, If i fear of height.

5. How does fear affect your life, especially in terms of creativity?

- I can't think or do anything while I'm fearing. Because all in my head at that movement is fear to fall down, it limited my creativity.

6. What form does your fear take?

- Something I can't not touch? I guess, It's fear, of height, not like fear of something like an animal, or something you can touch. I can't touch my fear, it's there but I can't touch it.

7. How does making a creative project about your fear impact how you view it? 

I went to the campus building and I went up the fourth floor, there is a small area when you can look down, and it was only fourth floor but it scared me. I tried to stand up and look down, to experience my fear but I can't. My hands and foots start wetting, all the memory I fell from my childhood came back when I look down from that view. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Class take away 12 !

We don't have to come to class for this week, but we still have to work on our assignment, which is Bliss. The class is not cancel, it just moved to another place. The assignment was about how us spending 3 hours of class to do something make us happy with those 3 hours.
Mine was playing Diablo III, a game from Blizzard. It was a rough day for me, a lot things happen during those times. I will talk more about this in the Bliss assignment.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Class take away 11

For this week class take away, we were talking about the fear assignment. Our professor asked us what is fear? Then she showed us about the definition of fear. And it is not only fear that we were talking about. We also talked about Phobia, Anxiety and Worry. 
They are all related to another, or sounds similar to another. 
I have 2 biggest fear, first one is losing my family, one by the time. I went through it before and it was horrible. And I'm not going to do this for our fear assignment, because it too much for me to take on again.
My second fear is, the fear of height. I had this fear for a long time now, I can't face it. Whenever I go up to a building or something tall, and look down, it made me scare. Scare I will fall down, so for this assignment I will face it and try to stand with it.